New Challenge, new project of the Asociación Anita: Founding Donor of SJD Pediatric Cancer Center of Barcelona


Yesterday we signed the contract to become Founding Donors of the Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona that is being built, thanks to the donations of thousands of people, in front of Sant Joan de Déu hospital.

Signing of the agreement with the members of the board of trustees of the Asociación Anita, together with Dr. José Hinojosa, Dr. Jaume Mora and Dr. Manuel del Castillo.

We will donate 1 million euros (100,000 euros per year for 10 years) to finance the purchase of the Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) makes it possible to perform a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) during an operation, especially in brain tumor operations, and to make sure that no cancer cells remain before closing.

We are very happy for this great achievement!

Yesterday they also showed us the new operating rooms, which are amazing!!!!

We are very fortunate to have in our country this incredible Hospital where wonderful people struggle to achieve improvements and state-of-the-art facilities to be able to cure and care for our children and teenagers.

We continue forward, with great enthusiasm, this important and necessary mission that Anita has left us 😇💜.

Thank you all for joining us and helping us with this great work.

All together we will achieve that children with cancer have hope and overcome the disease with less sequels thanks to the research and the advances that are being carried out.

Carolina Amado - President of the Asociación Anita

SJD News:

"The Asociación Anita, new founding donor of SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona".

The intraoperative MRI of the new surgical block has been sponsored by this founding donor.

"On October 7, a collaboration agreement was signed with the Asociación Anita as a new founding donor of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, the pediatric oncology center now under construction. Thus, the association, founded in honor and memory of the brave Ana Sanchiz Amado, will contribute 1 million euros over a period of 10 years to finance the purchase of the new intraoperative MRI installed in the neurosurgery operating room of the new surgical block of Sant Joan de Déu hospital Barcelona, which is scheduled to open soon. This operating room will be an essential part of the operation of the new cancer center, given that brain tumors are the most frequent type of cancer in childhood, after leukemias.intraoperative MRI will allow our neurosurgeons to verify in the operating room itself whether all the patient's tumor tissue has been removed, thus avoiding new interventions in the future. In addition, it will also allow our center to increase the capacity to perform a greater number of MRIs, since we have more equipment, and will serve to address other types of serious pathologies such as, for example, epilepsy.With this donation, the Asociación Anita becomes the eleventh founding donor of SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona. An association that has been committed to germ cell tumor research since 2014, the year in which Anita passed away from this devastating childhood cancer."

- SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

Carolina Amado

President of the Board of Directors and Anita's mother


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