Asociación Benéfica Anita

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We did it!

We did it!!! Yesterday, Tuesday February 7th, our daughter Ana's birthday, we donated the first 50.000€ to start the scientific project on Germ Cell Tumor at the San Juan de Dios Research Foundation in Barcelona. Being able to start the project on the day of her eighth birthday has filled us with joy and a lot of energy to move forward with enthusiasm and strength, the strength that she transmitted to us in her short but intense life. Thank you Anita for all that you have taught us!!!!

Link to the news of the donation
published on the Hospital's website:

I only have words of gratitude for all the people who, with their support and their grain of sand, have made this possible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you millions of thanks for trusting us and for accompanying us in this long process, everything is possible when things are done from the heart!!!

We have committed ourselves to raise 50.Our commitment is not only to the San Juan de Dios Research Foundation of Barcelona, it is a commitment to children with cancer around the world and their families, because this project aims to save the lives of thousands of children and prevent the suffering of their families.

Carolina Amado Vega
President of the Asociación Benéfica Anita