Make-A-Wish takes Anita to Disney Paris ...


Thank you Make-A-Wish Spain!!! Thank you Leticia, thank you Fernando, thank you Chema and thank you to all the team of Illusions Spain and all the collaborators for making possible such a wonderful trip!!!

A few days ago we returned from the great adventure, and the opportunity that you have given us to enjoy with Anita in a magical world like Disney Paris, despite her delicate condition, has been incredible, the energy that this trip has given us to continue with this painful and complicated struggle that we have had to live, it is difficult to explain ... to have seen her so happy and excited with everything she was seeing and doing, and enjoying every moment has been wonderful!!!!

Make-A-Wish's mission is to bring hope to children with serious illnesses by enriching their lives through personal experiences of hope, strength and joy. They move seas and oceans to get every child to realize their ultimate illusion, and they do it so well, Anita was so happy during the days at Disney!!!! She couldn't believe it when she entered Sleeping Beauty's Castle, or when she was with Jasmine and Razzpunzel, it has been all magical and hopeful .
It is really fantastic and vital the work of all the people who make possible the illusions of each child.

Once again, THANK YOU to each and every one of you!!!!!

Carolina Amado

President of the Board of Directors and Anita's mother


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