Asociación Benéfica Anita

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Cancer, what a horrible word...especially when it's your own child!

Exactly 3 years ago our life changed radically. On an April 8 like today, our daughter Ana, 2 years and 2 months old, was diagnosed with an germinal tumor of the endodermal sinus.They told us "she has cancer" and the whole world fell apart... without a doubt the worst day of my life, we are still trembling...

Cancer, what a horrible word, especially when it is your own child!!!!

Since that day we live in a parallel world to the one you all live in, our concern is only one, that she gets cured, and we live by the day, or rather by the minute, because we cannot afford to think too much, especially because anguish and despair take over us, and we cannot afford it because Ana needs us whole, in a good mood and cheerful, because she deserves everything... 

Anita Sanchiz Amado

In these 3 years she has been operated 9 times, she has received 24 cycles of chemotherapy, 32 sessions of radiotherapy, 20 different chemotherapies have been tried with her and we have been admitted to the hospital 36 times, also this summer she has had an auto bone marrow transplant, and the best of all is that, despite all this, she is a happy, funny and very affectionate girl, and the most important thing is that she is well, she is strong, very strong and can take whatever they throw at her, she gives us all energy and we want her to continue being like that. 

She is 5 years old and still hasn't been able to go to school, she doesn't know how to swim because she has barely been able to swim in the pool or in the sea, she doesn't even know what it means to go on vacation... but she lives in her world of imagination and fantasy, she enjoys every moment and in her own way she is happy in her world.

We as parents need to feel that we are doing everything we can to make it heal, we need to do whatever it takes to make this story, our story, end with a happy ending.

I would like you to put yourselves in my shoes for just a few seconds... I say just for a few seconds so that anguish does not take hold of you... Wouldn't you like everyone you know to help you? Well, I would love that all of you who share this space by calling Facebook with me would join the group we have set up and help me to spread the word.

Todos con Anita y los niños con cáncer is a group created to raise money for research on my daughter's cancer and that of other children...

I only ask you to help us by donating 1 euro every month to give us hope and to make our happy ending possible!!!

Some of you have already done so, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!. I hope no one minds my insistence, I am convinced that in my case, you would do the same. We will be eternally grateful!!!!

Please share this message with your friends, especially with those who know me! Don't leave it for tomorrow! 

A big hug!

Carolina Amado

Originally published on Facebook